258 research outputs found

    Sistem Kontrol Mesin Penukaran Uang Kertas Rupiah Berbasis Pengolahan Citra dan Raspberry Pi

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    The research purpose is to build a machine control system for exchange nominal of rupiah's paper money from big nominal to small nominal based on image processing and Raspberry Pi. The method for money exchange is detecting the authenticity of money, nominal of money, and amount of money exchange. The money authenticity was detected by the invisible image and nominal of money was detected by money color. Technique for detection the authenticity and nominal of money are using image processing that is processed on the Raspberry Pi. The algorithm used for detecting the authenticity and nominal of money are using template color algorithm and for exchange amount of money using the greedy algorithm. The research result is system able to detect the authenticity and nominal of paper money IDR 100.000, IDR 50.000, and IDR 20.000 then exchange it with the small nominal of money in accordance with the user choice

    Robot Operating System (Ros) dan Gazebo sebagai Media Pembelajaran Robot Interaktif

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    A robot is a prototype that is able to control by automatically to help the human work. Some of the parts to build a robot system are making the mechanical system, hardware, and software. The limitation of cost to make the robot hardware and programming skills are an obstacle to learn and develop the robot system. The development of the robot community nowadays makes the Robot Operating System (ROS) and Gazebo as an interactive media to learn and make the robot simulation. ROS is a middleware that equipped with tools and libraries to create a robot software, while Gazebo is a 3D simulation application to build a robot hardware design. On this paper, the researcher makes a robot simulation to avoid the object using Lidar sensor and camera, the simulation has developed using ROS and Gazebo that be able to use as a media for robot learning interactive

    Pernikahan Beda Agama dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam dan Hukum Positif di Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji persamaan dan perbedaan cara pandang hukum Islam dan Hukum positif tentang pernikahan beda agama. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, dengan pendekatan komparatif. Dalam kajian hukum Islam, pernikahan beda agama diklasifikasikan pada tiga katagori: pernikahan pria muslim dengan wanita musyrik; pernikahan pria muslim dengan wanita ahlulkitab; dan pernikahan wanita muslimah dengan pria non muslim. Secara regulatif, pernikahan beda agama di Indonesia tidak memiliki kekuatan hukum, sebab Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam sebagai hukum positif telah melarang nikah beda agama. Karena itu, Kantor Urusan Agama maupun Catatan Sipil tidak akan melakukan pencatatan administratif atas peristiwa nikah beda agam

    Studi Historis Komparatif Tentang Metode Tahfiz Al-Qur'an

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    T;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-style:normal;fاهتم المسلمون بحفظ القرآن الكريم منذ عصر النبوة حتى عصرنا الحاضر، إلا أنالمناهج و الطرق اختلفت من عصر لآخر. يلقي هذا البحث نظرة على تعدد مناهجالتحفيظ تبعا لاختلاف الوسائل و شكل القرآن، ففي عصر النبي و الصحابة كانمنهج السماع و التلقي هو المستخدم في حفظ القرآن، و اختلف ذلك بعد عصر تدوينالمصاحف و طباعتها حيث يعتمد الطالب على القرآن المكتوب أو المصحف في حفظهثم يقرأه على الشيخ، و بعد تسجيل القرآن صوتيا استخدمه بعض الأفراد في عمليةالتحفيظ لسهولة حملها و استخدامها و سماعها. و مع تغير الأدوات و الوسائل إلا أنالتسميع و القراءة على الشيخ كعنصر مهم في التلقي و تحفيظ القرآن لازالت متبع

    Analisis Opini Pemilih Pemula Terhadap Iklan Politik Dalam Pemilihan Walikota Makassar Tahun 2008 Analysis of Beginner Voters' Opinion of Political Advertising in Makassar's Mayor Elections in 2008

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    The study intended to gather information regarding beginner voters‟ opinion of of political advertising in Makassar‟s mayor elections in 2008. This study is an integrative study. The method ot the study integrating two types of research method from two different approaches namely, quantitative and qualitative approaches. The quantitative approach which is used in this study is a survey method. The objective of survey method is to meet the validity of the data which is measured using the percentage of representation of the beginner voters. The qualitative approach is using phenomenological method. The phenomenological method is used to gather in-depth information using interpretation from subjective statements from informants related to the subject of the research. The study showed some variety in beginner voters‟ opinion of political advertising in Makassar‟s Mayor elections in 2008. the variety in beginner voters‟ opinion of political advertising in Makassar‟s Mayor elections in 2008 was maybe resulted by voters segmentation and media preference. The study also showed that the criteria of good political advertisement according to beginner voters are those which are easy to remember, easy to read, simple, clear and use a good Indonesian language

    Wanita dalam Poligami (Studi Pemikiran Muhammad Syahrur)

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    What does Islam say about polygamy is still being debated that were kept warm for discussion. This debate has spawned various product ideas with arguments and interpretations. Muhammad Shahrur, a controversial figure, tried to give an understanding and interpretation different with the contemporary scholars on the issue of polygamy. According to Muhammad Shahrur, women who may be appropriate for polygamy, corresponding to content of Surah an-Nisa ': 2-3, is the only widow with orphans. Therefore the spirit and purpose of limusa'adatil aramil wal aitam, helping widows and orphans, are highly relevant to maqasid asy-syari'ah

    مواقيت النزول )دراسة تحليلية حول الليلي من آيات القرآن(

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    الليلي و النهاري هو أحد التقسيمات المتعلقة بزمن نزولآيات القران، و قد اكتقى أكثر العلماء بذكر أمثلة لها في كتبعلوم القرآن دون دراستها. يحاول هذا البحث دراسة العلاقةبين مضمون أو موضوع الآية بوقت نزوله ليلا من ناحية، ونفسية المتلقي أو المخاطَب من ناحية أخرى. فهل توجد علاقةبين الثلاثي: مضمون الآيات القرآنية، وقت الليل و خصائصه، وسيكلوجية المتلقي أو المخاطب، و هل كانت هناك مواضيعخاصة في الآيات الليلية، كما هو الحال في مبحث المكي و المدنيفي القرآن. تبين في هذا البحث أن أكثر الآيات الليلية كانت لهاعلاقة بالدعوة للتفكر و التدبر في آيات الله الكونية، و بالأحوال النفسية للمخاطبين و ما يدور في خَلَد النبي و الصحابة كمجتمعأول متلق للقرآن

    Konflik Sosial dalam Pengembangan Objek Wisata Candi Muara Takus di Desa Muara Takus Kecamatan XIII Koto Kampar Kabupaten Kampar

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    This research was conducted at Muara Takus Village, district of XIII KotoKampar. This research aims to know any conflict actors in the development of thetourism attractions and causes of the conflict. This research entitled SocialConflict in the Development of Tourism Attractions of Muara Takus Temple atMuara Takus Village District of XIII Koto Kampar, Kampar District. The mainissue in this research is what are the factors in causing the conflict in thedevelopment of tourism attractions of muara takus temple and any actors involvedin it. Subjects in this research are: Kampar District Government (Department ofTourism, Youth, and Sport of Kampar District), The BPN office of Kampar(National Land Agency), The PLTA office of Koto Panjang, The District office ofXIII Koto Kampar, The Village Head, People who own land in the area of tourismattractions of muara takus temple, Traditional Leaders, and People who receiveland compensation. The sample in this research is in taken by Random Technique,with the number of subject research as 50 people.The method used was a qualitative descriptive method with qualitative dataanalysis. Data filtering instruments used are observation and interviews.Generally, through the result obtained from this research the researcherconclude: the conflicts in the development of tourism attractions of muara takustemple are vertical and horizontal conflict, between local ellites, instancy Togovernment agency, the differences in mission development, while the verticalconflict between the community and government. Conflict factors in thedevelopment of tourism attractions of muara takus temple: From the research thatthe problem of social conflict in the development of muara takus temple is due toland compensation issue which is still floating and is caused by unclear landownership.Kata Kunci : Konflik Sosial, Candi Muara Takus, Kecamatan XIII Koto Kampa